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Buying and Selling Antique Duck Decoys

Decoy Store

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These lists are examples of some of the Carvers, Species and Factories that we have sold in the past and we realize may not constitute a complete list. Also, we provide these as a means to help jog the memory of those of you that can not remember that name.

Carvers: Barkelow, Bibber, Birdsall, Blair, Boyd, Bowman, Chadwick, Cobb, Crowell, Daisey, Dawson, Dilley, Dudley, English, Gelston, Hancock, Huey, Holmes, Horner, Hudson, Jantzen, Jester, Laing, Levy, Lincoln, McLaughlin, Mitchell School, Moak, Nichols, Perdew, Robertson, Schmidt, Shourds, Verity, Wallace, Ward, Watson, Wheeler, White, Wilson, Witherspoon

Decoy Species:
Ducks: Black Duck, Brant, Broadbill, Bufflehead, Canvasback, Coot, Eider, Gadwell, Geese, Goldeneye (Whistler), Labrador, Loon, Mallard, Merganser, Northern Shoveler, OldSquaw, Pintail, Redhead, Ring Necked, Ruddy, Scaup, Scoter, Swan, Teal, Widgeon, Wood Duck
Shorebirds: Blue Heron, Curlews, Dowitcher, Peeps (Sandpipers), Plover, Robin Snipe, Turnstones, Willets, Yellow Legs

Factories: Animal Trap, Benz, Carry-Lite, Decoys Unlimited, Dodge, Downeast Sportcraft, Evans, Flap-O-Matic, General Fibre, Gundelfinger, Hays, LL. Bean (The Decoy Shop), Mason, Pascagoula, Peterson, Pratt, Sperry, Stevens, Tru-Dux, Tux-Dux, Tuveson, Wildfowler

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