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Buying and Selling Antique Duck Decoys

About Mallar Decoys


Mallar Decoys is owned and operated by Michael Mallar of Augusta Maine. I have been buying and selling decoys for over 10 years. The creation of the company comes from my early love of hunting over wooden decoys as well as my father’s long interest in collecting. The leap of faith involved in starting our company stems from a strong desire to at long last follow my passion: buying and selling wonderful objects of beauty.

Duck and Bird Antique Decoys | Mallar Decoys | What's in your attic?


My background of 30 plus years in sales and marketing is very important to our clients who are thinking of selling their decoys: marketing the product is crucial to selling a decoy at the highest possible margin.

My wife Deborah, a successful Hospice RN, is my trusted advisor and now serves as Buyer Representative for Mallar Decoys at auctions. She is intelligent, prepared and a true professional who can read an auctioneer as well as anyone. Inquire about this service and you will never miss a bird at auction again!


Over the years I have helped many companies to improve their bottom line by pioneering internet commerce within their organizations. These companies include the Maine Office of Tourism, Hampton Inn's of New England, as well as New York Life. My experience in private industry has been relevant to Mallar Decoys, as you will notice when you visit our on-line store: it is secure, user-friendly and updated daily. We have also created a database management system that matches known available decoys to clients looking for that particular product. No one else in the decoy business offers this cutting edge technology. The days of a name on a scrap of paper are over. Please let us know how we can be of service to you today!

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Duck and Bird Antique Decoys | Mallar Decoys | What's in your attic?